Note: the integrated own domain is a feature reserved for Teams plan users.
You bet! You can always add your own custom subdomains (such as in your board settings. Learn how to here.
If you prefer an even more customised solution, you can integrate your very own domain instead of
To do so, you need to create a new record in your DNS settings pointing to our server. We have several servers in different regions of the world, and we recommend that you point your domain to the one closest to where you expect most of your fans are located. That will ensure the best loading times for your links!
Point your domain to one of the following IP addresses:
US East:
After you have done this, send an email to with the following information:
- The domain you would like to add to your board.
- The exact board you would like to use this domain with.
We'll take care of the rest.
Keep in mind that if you point your domain to our servers, it will not work with any other services. Make sure the domain is not being used for anything else. Also, this method only supports HTTP, if you are looking to host your custom domain with HTTPS, then refer to our Secure Custom Domain details.
How to verify your custom Linkfire domain with Facebook
If you’re using a custom domain pointing to Linkfire it’s necessary to claim and verify them with Facebook. Choose the option DNS verification when logged in to your Business Manager by following this guide provided by Facebook.