Linkfire collects valuable data each time someone clicks on your tracking link and they are redirected to your specified destination URL. During this redirection process, Linkfire collects data such as the geographic location, device type, referral domain and much more. Using this data, Linkfire creates detailed and real-time insights that help you to understand how your links are performing.
Our features allow you to:
- Retain brand identity by customizing your domain(s), so that people can recognize your brand in each link.
- Set different destinations for different users based on their location, device type and time period; for example, route smartphone users to your mobile website, Spanish speakers to your Spanish language website etc.
- Deep-link users to mobile apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Spotify or your own app.
- Automatically get a full match list across all music services by inputting only one origin link.
- Collect valuable data on your links to use in future marketing initiatives.