In addition to driving to DSPs you can use Linkfire links to drive to label/artist merch stores. This allows you to collect data as you would on any other link and, with the use of dynamic UTM parameters, pass data back into Google Analytics.
Setting up a link driving to a merch store is easy, but there are a few important things to keep in mind:
Rule number 1
Do not create your D2C link as a content link because this link type will simply redirect to the URL inputted as the source. In order for UTMs to be attached to the end of the destination URL, you must follow the steps below.
Rule number 2
Always use channels when sharing Linkfire links. This is extremely important for attribution, but also for allowing referral information to be passed into GA.
Rule number 3
Do not add a D2C URL with UTMs already included. The Inputted URL should be the raw store link for each territory, and UTMs will be automatically appended by Linkfire.
Rule number 4
Do not use the "Fallback" destination to drive the users to the store, always use one of the options described below to have the UTMs added to a link.
Option 1 - Add a D2C store as 1 of several services on a landing page
1. Search for and add the desired service to the link from the service destinations section.
2. Input a valid destination URL for each territory.
3. To apply the same destination across multiple territories, add the URL to the default territory and then click bulk actions --> copy from default for all
4. In the landing page section, you can reposition the D2C service within the landing page and also change the call-to-action if desired.
5. Publish or save your link
6. When fans click on the D2C service they will be redirected to the merch store and UTM Parameters will be appended.
Option 2 - Create a link that drives directly to a D2C store
1. Choose Release Link type and create a draft, rather than scanning a URL
2. Fill in the artist and title, choose your domain and shortcode (the Linkfire URL), and add a fallback destination.
3. Search for and add the desired service to the link from the service destinations section.
4. Input a valid destination URL for each territory.
5. To apply the same destination across multiple territories, add the URL to the default territory and then click bulk actions --> copy from default for all
6. The only service you will see in the landing page editor is the D2C store. This is what you want.
When you have a link with a single service, the logic is to automatically redirect anyone who clicks on the link to that service. In other words, we will not display the landing page to fans unless it has at least two services.
7. Publish and share the link. UTMs will automatically be appended to the URL when the redirect occurs.