Note: this feature is reserved for Teams and Enterprise users.
Linkfire offers an integration with the Snap Pixel, Snapchat’s technology for audience collection and campaign tracking. In order to add it to your Linkfire account, you need to ask your Account Manager to register your Snap Pixel ID first. Integrating your Snap Pixel with your Linkfire account enables you to do the following within Snapchat:
- Create audiences for retargeting
- Measure and optimize Snap ad performance
To find your Snap Pixel ID, follow the steps below.
Locate your Snapchat Pixel
1) Log in to your Snapchat Ads Manager here:
2) Click the top-left drop-down menu and select ‘Snap Pixel’
3) Click ‘Set up pixel’
4) Copy the Pixel script and send the Pixel ID (highlighted with a red box in the screenshot below) to your Account Manager.
5) Once the details have been added to your account you can apply them to your board, artist, or link settings.
Tracked events
Tracking specific events while using the Snap Pixel is limited to a small set of pre-defined actions created by Snapchat. Linkfire will register three different events when sending information about visitors’ actions to your Snap ad account.
Page view
This event is triggered when a visitor visits your link.
Inside Snap this will appear as the event Page View.
Media preview
This event is triggered when a visitor plays the audio preview or YouTube video embedded on your landing page.
Inside Snap this will appear as the event View Content.
This event is triggered when a visitor clicks through to a service from your landing page.
Inside Snap this will appear as the event Sign Up.
Using your Linkfire data in Snapchat
Use case 1: Create audiences for retargeting
When a visitor visits a website containing the Snap Pixel, their Snap account will be available for retargeting by the ad account that owns that Pixel. However, because Snap requires transmitting user emails to identify users, and Linkfire does not collect user emails, the number of users identified is expected to be very low. You should expect most identified users to consist of those who have opened your Linkfire links inside the Snapchat app.
Use case 2: Measure and optimize Snap ad performance
When evaluating Snap ads, you can choose to evaluate them based on certain actions being taken by users after they have clicked on your ad. After installing the Snap Pixel on your Linkfire links, you may, for example, evaluate your Snap ads based on the percentage of users that subsequently clicked through to a service from the landing page.