(relevant for users on Teams and Enterprise plan)
This article will guide you through how to set up custom conversions to optimize your Facebook advertising and improve your click-through rates. Rather than targeting the people that click on to your landing page, why not target the people who click through to the music services? This is where Facebook’s custom conversions come in.
Linkfire sends retargeting data to your Events Manager through five custom events, which enables you to formulate custom audiences and initiate custom conversion campaigns based on the interactions fans have with your Linkfire landing pages. Each of these custom events is associated with particular parameters that relate to the actions taken by a fan.
A full list of parameters that can be sent to the meta pixel can be found here.
Custom events
The LF event is triggered as soon as a visitor clicks on your link, and is subsequently triggered when visitor takes any action on your landing page. These actions are sent within the ‘action’ parameter, and will be one of the following:
- pageview
- clickthrough
- preview
- subscribe
In addition to sending the LF event, we send 4 additional events, one for each of the actions mentioned above:
This event is triggered when a visitor clicks on your link and views your landing page
This event is triggered when a visitor clicks on a service on your landing page. You will find 3 parameters specific to this event:
musicservice: For example “applemusic”
mediaservicetype: For example “play”, “download”, or “go to"
This event is triggered when a visitor interacts with the audio or video preview on your landing page. To create an audience based on these interactions, you should filter on:
action: “player”
This event is triggered when a user signs up to your mailing list using the Email Sign Up service.
To create an audience based on these interactions, you should filter on one of the following values:
musicservice: emailsignup
eventlabel: subscribe
In order to set up custom conversion events on your Facebook ads, you’ll need two things:
- Custom domain (e.g. artist.com)
See how to set up your custom domain with Linkfire here.
- Facebook pixel
See how to set up a pixel and connect it with your Linkfire account here.
Once you have both of those things in place, you can start setting up conversion ads. In order to do it, follow the steps below:
1. Set up custom conversion events that you would like to run ads for. This is done in your Events Manager under 'Custom conversions', see below:
2. Click on 'Create Custom Conversion', select your pixel as the data source and one of the events mentioned above, for example ‘LF’. If you’d like to, for example, run ads for visitors who have clicked through to Spotify, you’d need to set up a rule where the event parameter is 'musicservice' and it contains 'Spotify'.
Note that the field where you specify the event parameter is a freeform entry, so you have to add it manually. It is therefore important that you type out the exact custom parameter name. To view all available parameters that Linkfire sends through the pixel to Meta, you can head to this article.
As another example, if you’d like to optimize your ads towards all click-throughs on your landing pages, you could set up a rule where parameter ‘action’ contains ‘service’.
3. Now you're ready to start setting up conversion ads. In order to do that, head over to the 'Ads Manager' section, then 'Campaigns', and 'Create'. You can see a more detailed Facebook guide on this here.
4. When you’re setting up your ad set, make sure to select the custom conversion event that you’d like to optimize towards.
When checking the performance of your pixel, note that ‘PageView’ is an internal metric from Facebook and should not be used if you’d like to create your campaigns based on your Linkfire data. In order to create ads based on Linkfire data, please use one of the five aforementioned events:
If you're prompted to verify any of the LF events, simply click on the warning sign and click 'Verify'.