Linkfire’s ticket integration makes promoting tickets for tours or events quick and easy. Learn how to create automated ticket links by following the step-by-step guide below.
By inputting an artist’s name, we’ll automatically fetch all their tour dates. These dates are then presented, alongside direct sales links, on a customizable landing page.
Follow this step-by-step guide to get started with automated ticket links.
1. Choose the link type “Tickets”.
2. Type in the name of the artist who is on tour. If the artist doesn't show up you will have to create a manual ticket link - learn more here. If the name shows up in the drop-down menu, then the scanner will automatically scan for all available shows.
3. Customize the title (only for your internal use), tag your campaign (to easily filter your links later), and edit the short code to make your URL unique. You can, for example, use a tour or artist name — When you’re done modifying, click the blue “Update” button.
4. Now, your link is ready to be customised. To begin, click on your new link’s 'edit' section:
5. In the menu on the left-hand side, click “shows” to see all the shows that have been fetched from different ticket providers.
Uncheck any that you don’t want to be displayed on your landing page. You can also manually add any shows that are missing. To do this, scroll to the bottom of the list of fetched shows, and click “Add Show”. Select which ticket service you want to use, and then enter the show’s details.
6. To customize your landing page, click on "Landing page" in the left-hand menu. You can edit artwork, appearance, description, media, or shows. You can add a youtube video or audio clips, or change each show's ‘action text’ (for example, from Buy to Sold Out). Click the green “Done” to save your changes.
7. Once you’ve finished editing your link remember to hit the blue “Update” button.
8. On your “Links” page, hover over your link and click “Get” to copy your smart link and start sharing it with your fans.