Whenever you create a release link on Linkfire, we automatically scan your original music URL to find matches on other music services. You can specify which services we scan in both your link and board settings.
Some services operate as multi-stores, which means they have localized stores and individual URLs for each territory. For example, an album on Apple Music US has a different URL from that same album on Apple Music Germany. This is in contrast to services with one global store (e.g. Spotify), where each release has one URL regardless of a visitor’s location.
Additionally, not all services are available in all territories. For example, Pandora is only operating in one territory, the US, and TIDAL is only launched in 52 territories whereas Apple Music operates in more than 120 territories. That means we will automatically exclude a service from a landing page in a territory where it’s not available. If a fan clicks on your link in Germany they will not be presented with the Pandora option as it’s simply not relevant for German users, but a fan clicking in the US will see Pandora as one of the options on the landing page.
We always recommend you review the matches for your services and territories. This is done in the "Service destinations" section when editing your link.
In this section, you can also add a new service to include on your landing page. Just click the “+Add service” in the top right corner. Learn more about adding a service.
Review and customize services by territories
Click on a service destination to open a drop-down with three tabs: “All territories,” “Need review,” and “Need destination.”
Under these three tabs, you can find all the services’ territory stores and the URL to your release on that store. Click “View all” to expand the list.
- “All territories” lists all territories, regardless of match accuracy.
- “Need review” shows territories that are matched with less than 95% accuracy. When scanning across services, territories, and metadata, there can be some results that don’t give a 100% match. If a match is below 95% accuracy, the territory will not appear on your landing pages, so we highly recommend that you review it.
- “Need destination” is any territory missing a link. Manually add the correct URL, or if you don’t want to include that specific territory you can also remove it.
Each territory features a URL bar, which you can edit manually. You can also choose to “Copy from default”, which will insert the URL that was found during scanning. Or you can “Remove” the territory completely.
Each tab also features a “Bulk action” dropdown, allowing you to approve, lock, or clear all of the tab’s territories.
- “Approve all” confirms all destination URLs, regardless of individual match accuracy.
- “Clear all” removes all destination URLs. This does not remove the territories.
- “Lock all” prevents all destination URLs from changing during a rescan.
- “Copy from Default to all” adds the Default destination URL to all your territories.
Add territories and schedule rescan
To add new territories to an individual service, simply select “+ Add territory” at the top of the service destination’s drop-down. You can then search for territories, by both full name and ISO code.
Scheduling a rescan allows you to find the most up to date information available for specific services. It can be done on a per-link or per-service basis. To learn more about rescanning, check out this page.
Once you're satisfied with all your matches and service destinations, select the green “Update” button in the top right corner of the page. Then you preview your landing page by selecting “Landing page” on the left-hand menu.